52 research outputs found

    Optimization of Multi-zone Building HVAC Energy Consumption by Utilizing Fuzzy Model Based Predictive Controller

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    The rapid improvement of living standards has led to increased energy consumption in buildings worldwide. Globally, the energy consumed in buildings accounts for 20.1% of total delivered energy (EIA 2016). Improving energy efficiency in buildings therefore is an important component for combating climate change. This paper aims to improve end use energy efficiency in multi-zoned residential buildings through the application of thermal comfort based, energy optimization algorithms. We use a case study approach with a detailed analysis of a 4-story residential apartment building in central Illinois. The study building constitutes 21 thermal zones modeled in EnergyPlus. The model is validated using monthly energy consumption data. The effectiveness of four different steam heating system control methods are evaluated and described: a) a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) design based on neuro-fuzzy temperature predictor; b) a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) tuned by fuzzy logic; c) a PID tuned by a genetic algorithm; and d) an on/off controller and the flow regulator based on indoor temperature. All are optimized for energy consumption reduction potential and thermal comfort. The main effect of the various control methods is tuning boiler feed flow by regulating the condensing cycle. A reduction in circulated steam flow results in decreased direct energy consumption and improved condensing pump efficiencies. We find that the MPC design using a neurofuzzy temperature predictor can reduce heating energy use by up to 38% in comparison with an on/off controller baseline

    Impacts of DEM Type and Resolution on Deep Learning-Based Flood Inundation Mapping

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    This paper presents a comprehensive study focusing on the influence of DEM type and spatial resolution on the accuracy of flood inundation prediction. The research employs a state-of-the-art deep learning method using a 1D convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN-based method employs training input data in the form of synthetic hydrographs, along with target data represented by water depth obtained utilizing a 2D hydrodynamic model, LISFLOOD-FP. The performance of the trained CNN models is then evaluated and compared with the observed flood event. This study examines the use of digital surface models (DSMs) and digital terrain models (DTMs) derived from a LIDAR-based 1m DTM, with resolutions ranging from 15 to 30 meters. The proposed methodology is implemented and evaluated in a well-established benchmark location in Carlisle, UK. The paper also discusses the applicability of the methodology to address the challenges encountered in a data-scarce flood-prone region, exemplified by Pakistan. The study found that DTM performs better than DSM at lower resolutions. Using a 30m DTM improved flood depth prediction accuracy by about 21% during the peak stage. Increasing the resolution to 15m increased RMSE and overlap index by at least 50% and 20% across all flood phases. The study demonstrates that while coarser resolution may impact the accuracy of the CNN model, it remains a viable option for rapid flood prediction compared to hydrodynamic modeling approaches


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    The high boring capability of full-face tunnel boring machines, especially in urban tunnels, has led to their increased use in tunnel excavation in various and unfavourable geological conditions. Therefore, many efforts have been made to predict and improve the performance of these machines. In this regard, most of the previous studies have focused on the effect of geological and mechanical properties of rock or soil. However, delays due to the maintenance and repair of these machines, which contribute to a major share of unwanted and unpredicted stops at work, have not been considered. Reliability analysis is a practical method based on studying the behaviour of breakdowns and maintenance of machines and systems. This approach can be suggested as part of the appropriate planning for machine maintenance and consequently reducing downtime and costs. In this way, it is possible to identify weaknesses and critical points of a machine or system of the boring process. In the present study, the reliability of the full-face tunnelling machine was analysed with the Monte Carlo simulation method. The studied machine is divided into 5 subsystems including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, water and compressed air subsystems. Using breakdown data of about 24 months of boring operation, the reliability of each subsystem was simulated and evaluated. Eventually, the reliability of the boring machine was simulated using the Kamat-Riley (K-R) method. The results showed that if no maintenance operation is performed on the subsystems, the overall reliability of the boring machine will decline to zero after about 38 hours of continuous boring operation. Finally, to improve the overall reliability of the boring machine, based on accomplished reliability analysis, we suggest an effective preventive maintenance and repair system for keeping the machine in optimal operating conditions for a longer period.Visoka učinkovitost strojeva za bušenje punoga profila tunela, posebno u gradskim tunelima, dovela je do njihove sve veće upotrebe u iskopu tunela u različitim i nepovoljnim geološkim uvjetima. Stoga su uloženi veliki napori sa svrhom predviđanja i poboljšanja učinkovitosti ovih strojeva. Većina prethodnih studija bila je usmjerena na utjecaj geoloških i mehaničkih svojstava stijene ili tla. Međutim, kašnjenja zbog održavanja i popravka ovih strojeva, koji doprinose velikomu udjelu neželjenih i nepredviđenih zaustavljanja pri radu, nisu uzeta u obzir. Analiza pouzdanosti praktična je metoda koja se temelji na proučavanju utjecaja kvarova i održavanja strojeva i sustava. Ovaj pristup može poslužiti za prikladno planiranje održavanja strojeva i posljedično smanjenje zastoja i troškova. Na taj način moguće je identificirati slabosti i kritične točke stroja ili sustava procesa bušenja. U ovome je istraživanju pouzdanost stroja za probijanje tunela analizirana primjenom simulacijske metode Monte Carlo. Stroj na kojemu je provedena analiza podijeljen je u 5 podsustava uključujući mehanički, električni, hidraulički te podsustave za komprimirani zrak i vodu. Koristeći se podatcima o kvarovima za oko 24 mjeseca bušenja simulirana je i procijenjena pouzdanost svakoga podsustava. Na kraju je simulirana pouzdanost stroja za bušenje korištenjem Kamat-Rileyjeve (K-R) metode. Rezultati su pokazali da ako se na podsustavima ne provodi operacija održavanja, ukupna pouzdanost stroja za bušenje past će na nulu nakon otprilike 38 sati neprekidnoga rada bušenja. U konačnici, radi poboljšanja sveukupne pouzdanosti stroja za bušenje, na temelju provedene analize pouzdanosti predlažemo učinkovit sustav preventivnoga održavanja i popravaka za održavanje stroja u optimalnim radnim uvjetima dulje vrijeme

    Determining the mental model of experts regarding the factors hindering the development of table tennis in Iran

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    Determining the mental model of experts regarding the factors hindering the development of table tennis in Iran. The purpose of this study is to determine the mental pattern of experts regarding the barriers to professional table tennis in Iran using Q methodology. The present study is applied in terms of purpose; In terms of exploratory nature; In terms of data collection, descriptive-survey, and due to application, Q methodology is a type of mixed research (quantitative-qualitative). The statistical population was veterans and elites in table tennis in Iran, from which 21 people were selected as participants through a combination of purposeful and unlikely sampling and snowball sampling. Participant sorting data were entered in SPSS software to identify the different mindsets of the participants using Q-factor analysis. Finally, the main deterrents in Iranian professional table tennis were prioritized based on nine mental patterns. These mental patterns were then discussed and interpreted. Finally, coping strategies were proposed


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    One of the most significant factors in the estimation of dimension stone quarry cost is the production rate of rock cutting machines. Evaluating the production rate of chain-saw machines is a very significant and practical issue. In this research, it has been attempted to evaluate and select the suitable working-face for a quarry by examining the maximum production rate in the Dehbid and Shayan marble quarries. For this purpose, fi eld studies were carried out which included measuring operational characteristics of the chain-saw cutting machine, the production rate and sampling for laboratory tests from seven active case studies. Subsequently, the physical and mechanical properties of rocks including: Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), Brazilian Tensile Strength (BTS), Los Angeles abrasion, quartz content, water absorption percentage, porosity, Schmidt hardness and grain size for all sample measurements were studied after transferring the samples to a rock-mechanics laboratory. Finally, the sawability of the quarried working-faces was evaluated using the PROMETHEE multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model according to the physical and mechanical properties. The results of the study indicated that the number 1 and 5 working-faces from the Dehbid and Shayan quarries are the most suitable working-faces in terms of production rate with the maximum recorded production values (4.95 and 3.1 m2 /h), and with net fl ow rates (2.67 and -0.36) respectively.Jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika u procjeni cijene vađenja građevinskoga kamena jest njegov iznos pridobivanja tijekom strojnoga rezanja. Procjena iznosa proizvodnje takvih strojeva ima vrlo veliku i praktičnu ulogu. Ovdje je načinjena procjena i odabir prikladnoga radilišta unutar kamenoloma radi postizanja najvećega iznosa proizvodnje. Za analizu su odabrani kamenolomi mramora Dehbid i Shayan. Načinjena su terenska ispitivanja, tj. mjerenje operativnih svojstava sjekačice, iznosa pridobivanja te uzorkovanje za laboratorij na sedam smjestišta. Zatim su u laboratoriju za mehaniku stijena izmjerena fizička i mehanička svojstva stijena poput jednoosne kompresijske čvrstoće, brazilske vlačne čvrstoće, abrazije metodom Los Angeles, udjela kvarca, postotka apsorpcije vlage, šupljikavosti, Schmidtove čvrstoće i veličine zrna. Na kraju je ocijenjena rezivost materijala na radilištu kamenoloma uporabom tehnike PROMETHEE, koja predstavlja alat za donošenje odluka na temelju više kriterija koji obuhvaćaju fizička i mehanička svojstva. Rezultati su pokazali kako radilišta označena brojevima 1 i 5, na kamenolomima Dehbid i Shayan, imaju najbolja svojstva postizanja većega brutoiznosa (4,95 i 3,2 m2 /sat) i netoiznosa (2,67 i -0,36 m2 /sat) proizvodnje

    Association between physical fitness and cognitive performance in 19-24 year old males

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    The present study aimed to explore the association between physical fitness (PF) and cognitive performance in a sample of 19-24 year old males. Two hundred and eleven young males (20.2 +/- 1.5 years) participated in the study. Cognitive functioning tasks including information processing speed and inhibitory control were measured in addition to PF and motor fitness components such as aerobic fitness, static strength, explosive strength, agility and speed. Regression analysis showed that after adjustment for potential confounders (e.g. age, socioeconomic status, adiposity and physical activity), aerobic fitness (represented by shorter time in the one-mile run) was positively associated with composite inhibitory control scores (standardized beta = 0.17; p = 0.04) and negatively associated with Delta Simon (standardized beta = -0.21; p = 0.04). Explosive strength was negatively associated with composite information processing scores (standardized beta = -0.24; P = 0.01), and composite inhibitory control scores (standardized beta = -0.22; p = 0.02). Speed of movement, agility and static strength were not associated with any of the cognitive tests. In conclusion, aerobic fitness and explosive strength but not speed, agility or static strength might be indicators of underlying cognitive functioning tasks in 19-24 year old males